Unlock the power of Smartsheet with AI

Add meaning to your data with AI-powered tools



Generate formulas

Smartsheet creates tailored formulas from your input, speeding up data-driven decisions directly in your sheet.

Get help AI feature product screen


Get help

The Smartsheet-trained AI assistant offers conversational, on-the-spot guidance within the app, delivering concise, accurate answers to your queries.

Analyze data AI feature product screen

Coming soon

Analyze data

AI rapidly creates charts and metrics, providing instant visibility and insights that enable users to visualize progress and understand complex data.

Now available

Create text and summarize

Smartsheet AI simplifies your work by interpreting your data and objectives, then crafting clear and tailored text like summaries, translations, or new ad copy.

Get early access to new features

Apply to join our Early Adopter Program.


This feature is freaking awesome! I'm just so impressed that it builds the formula for you, that's a huge time saver.

Continuous Improvement Analyst

Insurance agency


Smartsheet AI tool uses large language models with your Smartsheet data, providing powerful, context-aware AI features with a focus on data privacy.

Learn more in our AI whitepaper and help article.

We do not own your AI Data and do not use it to train public models. 

Learn more in our AI whitepaper.

Generate formulas and text and summaries are available for all licensed Enterprise users. Please visit our pricing page for more information on plan types that include AI tools.

You have questions, and AI can get you the answers;  get tips for best practice AI prompting in our help documentation.

Get early access to new features

Apply to join our Early Adopter Program.
