Professional Service Bundles for Advanced Work Management

Professional Service bundles are a carefully curated bundle of solution implementation, instructor-led training, and advisory services to enable you and your team to get the most from your Advanced Work Management capabilities on an accelerated timeline.

Smartsheet Advanced Work Management builds on the foundation of core Smartsheet capabilities and extends them to meet the needs of entire organizations and enterprises, driving large scale innovation and large scale returns. Smartsheet Professional Service Bundles include both solution building to solve business challenges quickly, while also empowering your people with the skills and tools to address new business challenges in the future.

Professional Service Bundles Overview

Launch your Smartsheet Advanced Work Management experience with a solution for project and process management at scale designed and implemented right away. Then further customize your solution(s) and build your own with expert coaching and guided implementation sessions. Finally, tie it all together with in-depth training, certification and an enablement roadmap so that you and your teams can accelerate innovation and build end-to-end solutions with Advanced Work Management capabilities for scale. 

Professional Service Bundles Benefits

Get expert guidance for the right business outcomes.  

Start with a control center solution implemented right away by our experts. Our consultants will work with you to understand your unique business needs, and implement a solution with Control Center so that you can deliver consistent, visible projects and processes at scale. 

Train your teams to be Smartsheet Advanced Work Management experts. 

To further customize your solution, bundles also include expert coaching and guidance on the implementation of your Advanced Work Management capabilities for workflow automation, granular sharing control, and more. Empower and onboard your teams with instructor-led training so that they have the skills to build & innovate with Smartsheet Advanced Work Management capabilities. Get you and your team certified to demonstrate solution building and solution optimization capabilities. 

Improve productivity and user adoption. 

We will work with you and your leadership to identify where you and your business can best leverage your Smartsheet solution to increase productivity, streamline operations, and be more aligned and agile. Based on these findings we will develop a success plan on how you can drive deeper adoption and value realization from your solution.

Bundle Features

All bundles include the following: 

  • Basic Smartsheet solution design, implementation of control center and delivery via Control Center for a predetermined in-scope use-case (based on necessary configuration). 
  • Technical implementation guidance across select Advanced Work Management capabilities.  
    • Advance Work Management Capabilities include: WorkApps, Calendar App, Data Mesh, Pivot App, Dynamic View, SMAR Connectors: DataTable, Jira, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics. Excludes: Bridge, Event Reporting, CMEK, Data Retention Controls.
  • In-depth and instructor-led product & solution(s) training.
  • Detailed and custom solution(s) documentation.
  • Product Certification Exams
  • A 30 / 60 / 90 day enablement roadmap that outlines opportunities to grow Smartsheet skills to better leverage your solution in the future.  

Bundle Components




Solution Development with Control Center

Control Center Solution Design & Delivery 

Implementation of 1 Control Center Blueprint

Control Center Solution Design & Delivery 

Up to 2 SCC Blueprint implementations
(multi-tier or project level blueprints)

Control Center Solution Design & Delivery 

Up to 3 SCC Blueprint implementation
(multi-tier or project level blueprints)

Advanced Work Management Capabilities Guided Implementation SessionsUp to 2 Sessions Up to 4 SessionsUp to 5 Sessions
Training & Onboarding

High-Level Core App Training
(up to 4 sessions)

SCC Admin Training
(up to 1 session)

SCC Blueprint Builder Path
(5 sessions)

High-Level Core App Training
(up to 4 sessions)

SCC Admin Training
(up to 1 session)

SCC Blueprint Builder Path
(5 sessions)

High-Level Core App Training
(up to 4 sessions)

SCC Admin Training
(up to 1 session)

SCC Blueprint Builder Path
(5 sessions)

Administration / Security Platinum Features of Advance 
(up to 3 sessions)

Certification2 Certification Exams 
(Core Product or Sys Admin)

2 Certification Exams
(Core Product or Sys Admin)

2 Certification Exams
(PM or PPM)

5  Certification Exams
(Core Product or Sys Admin)

5 Certification Exams
(PM or PPM)

Enablement Plan30,60,90 roadmap and enablement plan30,60,90 roadmap and plan with process optimization & solution architecture recommendations 30,60,90 roadmap and plan with process optimization & solution architecture recommendations 



Meet your Professional Service Teams

Professional Service Consultants 

An experienced collaborative work management advisor that works with you to identify your work management business challenges, and implements a solution based on deployment best practices, aligned outcomes, and proven methodologies for accessing your work management challenges.

Professional Service Trainers

Subject matter experts and qualified instructors that deliver training, onboarding and guided implementations. Instructors are committed to your learning goals, and your success with the Smartsheet platform.

The Value of Smartsheet Professional Services

Smartsheet Professional Services teams are the foremost experts of the Smartsheet platform which enables collaborative work management at scale. They are committed and accountable to the end-to-end success of our customers.  Throughout their engagement with you, our service teams are guided by a proprietary methodology to holistically assess your collaborative work management challenges from intake, to execution, to reporting on work. Developed from over 10,000 Smartsheet engagements, our methodology enables our service teams to rapidly identify your work management challenges, and provide you an accelerated solution(s) tailored to your needs.