Breakout Session

Learn how to build, organise, and collaborate with workspaces and WorkApps

Tuesday, 14 May | 13:15 - 14:15


In this session, you’ll learn how to organise, navigate, and share your Smartsheet assets with workspaces and WorkApps for better collaboration and outcomes.

*** Please note: Saving a session to your schedule does not guarantee entry. Space is available on a first-come basis until rooms reach capacity.


Breakout Session

User Level



Kensington 2


Engage Speaker

Emily Saforrian

Director, Product Management
Having spent the last five years at Smartsheet, Emily Saforrian (she/her) is passionate about creating tools so Smartsheet users can solve their problems for their teams. Currently, she leads the team behind Workspaces, WorkApps, and Control Center. In the past, she also led the Forms and DataTable teams. In a past life, she was a user experience designer and front-end developer who spent countless hours building apps. In her free time, she enjoys working on her historic home from the 1870's, meandering through farmer’s markets, and playing indie video games. She holds a M.S. in Human Factors from Bentley University and a B.S. in Organizational Communication from Northeastern University.

Engage Speaker

Giacomo Crucino

Head of Applications Development
Andrea Giacomo Crucinio, Head of Applications Development & UX at Pricer AB, brings over 2 decades of diverse tech expertise, spanning Project Management to Software Product Design. Passionate about innovation and adept at understanding user needs, seamlessly merges technology and business strategy across various industries. Previously, held roles such as Head of Professional Services at Pricer and Innovation Manager at a leading Italian e-Tailer, as well as Product & Marketing Manager in the insurance sector. With a focus on Change Management, Customer Experience, and Product design, is a member of the SmartSheer Overachiever Alumni, has spoken at SmartSheet Engage in 2022 and contributed to numerous customer groups. Beyond the tech world, enjoys Triumph Motorcycles riding, miniature painting, and revels as a dedicated Star Wars enthusiast.