
Smartsheet Gov: TotalFloat, Successors, IsCritical

by Product Marketing

April 13, 2022

We are happy to announce the addition of three formulas that work with dependency-enabled sheets to enhance PPM capabilities.

  • The TotalFloat() function calculates the number of working days that a task can be delayed without impacting the Project Finish Date. This new formula function will help project, program, and portfolio managers more effectively identify and mitigate risk in large-scale, dependency enabled project sheets.

Note: If dependencies are not enabled, you may see #INVALID COLUMN VALUE error.

Learn more.

  • The isCritical() function (type: logic) allows users to determine whether the row they are currently working on is on the critical path; whether or not the task is going to affect the final end date for the entire project. This formula, commonly used with the IF function, will return one value when true, and another when false.

Learn more.

  • The Successors() function (type: numeric) allows users to calculate the direct successors of a task and return a collection of values that will occur as a result of the referenced task. 

Successors are the direct tasks with a dependency after the date-driven event for that particular task has occurred - in other words, the task(s) that can begin after one finishes.

=JOIN(SUCCESSORS(column@row), ",")

This formula, combined with the JOIN function, will calculate the direct successors of a task and return a collection of task row numbers that will occur due to the referenced task.

Learn more.

Download the Formula Examples template in the Solution Center to see examples of each Smartsheet function in action.

Environments availability: Smartsheet Gov

Plan type availability: Pro, Business, Enterprise